ED638 Syllabus

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NOTE: Post your overall (holistic) reflection of the ED638 activities you've engaged in. Remember, this reflection goes beyond the specified activities in Moodle. View the links above to get an idea of the holistic reflections (Re: A Glimpse of ED638 - Fall I, II).


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Wednesday, January 1, 2014

K. Penaflor- IRA Effective Literacy Website #2


Kinder Site, (http://www.kindersite.org/) was founded by Ziv Avidor. Ziv has a Bachelors degree in Science and a Masters in Science, Biology. He has been working for the last 16 years as a programmer and for 14 years running his own company with responsibilities for system analysis, design and consulting to institutions and business on building large scale, bespoke database applications. He has worked with government ministries and authorities, museums, sports clubs, a college, political parties, zoos, banks and quotes businesses. He also has a departments that builds Internet and Intranet sites.

Kinder Site offers early learners, with the aid of care-givers, a tool to find and use content in the form of games, songs, and stories. The website will soon allow children, alone or with assistance, to select content. The child will be able to create a personal list of favorite games, songs, or stories to refer to later. This option is still under construction but will be made available soon. Caregivers will also be able to build a “my page” for a child with recommendations or required games. 

The mission of the Kinder Site is to build a resource that can be used by teachers and adults for enhancing and motivating young children from the age of 2 years to (1) build their first technology skillset, by finding and using appropriate content on the Internet, in the form of games, stories and songs, within a sage and engaging environment, (2) to enhance the learning of English, as a first or second language, with a huge range of motivational games and tools, and (3) to offer academic educational researcher a tool that can measure and correlate data on children’s use of content on the site according to their research criteria. 

         Kinder Site is for all preschool and Kindergarten children and English Language Learners. Kinder Site offers thousands of links to games, songs, and stories for young children. I chose this website because I teach Kindergarten and I am constantly on the lookout for activities, games, and songs to engage my students in the learning process. I also like how Kinder Site offers activities for English Language Learners, because on Guam, more than half of the students in each class are from another ethnicity, where English is their second language. Also, as a Kindergarten teacher, my classroom is usually the first experience that children have in a classroom setting- they’re scared, nervous, and most times distant from their peers and teacher, and I want to create a setting that they will feel comfortable coming to and learning in. I feel that teaching content in a fun, interactive, and creative way will spark interest in learning and school, and I feel that’s what Kinder Site will allow me to do. I look forward to sharing this website with my students. I’m sure they’ll enjoy it as much as I had finding it. 

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  1. Thank you for providing such a detailed review of Kindersite. I enjoyed navigating through the games, songs, and stories this site had to offer.

  2. Thank you for bringing up the importance of the child's "first experience" in your kinder classroom. It's important to give a good impression, not just to kindergarten students, but all grade-level students. I like how this site stretches the content before and beyond the age of five. I can use the games section for my students. I really like the Dvolver Movie Maker. Plus, I can certainly use it for my children, Elias who is almost two, and Audrey who is seven. Thanks for your review, Kasaundra.

  3. Thank you for sharing this site. This is something I would enjoy sharing with my students to enhance their learning experience. I'm sure they will be pleased with the content this site has to offer.

  4. Kasaundra, after reading your blog, I explored the website more. I noticed my daughter sitting on the couch watching TV. I invited her over to see the site herself. She was so engaged in the activities. She even made her own movie, and gave the characters dialogue. I was impressed by the language she used as a seven year old. It really beats just watching TV.

  5. Thank you for sharing this site. I will definitely bring this into my classroom to motivate my struggling readers. Actually, I think many of my students will enjoy this website.
