ED638 Syllabus

ED638 Calendar of Events

ED638 Blog Instructions


NOTE: Post your overall (holistic) reflection of the ED638 activities you've engaged in. Remember, this reflection goes beyond the specified activities in Moodle. View the links above to get an idea of the holistic reflections (Re: A Glimpse of ED638 - Fall I, II).


In order to post your entries for previous dates/postings not listed on the current web page, scroll to the bottom of the page until you see the wording Older Posts, and click on that link. You may also visit the ED638 Archive located on the right hand side of our homepage to access previous posts. Good luck, and we look forward to reading your entries! :)

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Farewell from A.Tajalle

As the semester is coming to an end, I am looking back at the many things I have achieved. I have learned many new technology tools I can take back to my classroom. This course seemed rigorous at the beginning. But after tactful strategy to keep me on task and focused, I am able to complete what was expected of me. I was able to manage my time and still hold a positive disposition.

I have learned a great deal in the course. But the biggest thing I have learned is that I not only learned through the assignments and exploration from myself, but from my classmates. The forum and blog was not just for sharing our ideas and sharing our explorations but it also posed to be a learning board to discover something new from my fellow classmates.

My hope is that I continue to push myself to meet my overall goal I have set for myself. My strategy in doing so is to continue to manage my time and always approach things with a professional and positive disposition. I only hope to learn and discover more about technology and apply it in my classroom.

Thank you, ED-638 Fall Intercession classmates for all the opportunities you have given me to learn something new from each of you. May we continue to explore technology! 

Good luck in your future endeavors. 


1 comment:

  1. I really admire you for being able to stay on top of all your duties with as full-time working mother and graduate student. I would like to thank you for maintaining a very positive and professional disposition. See you in our new Moodle rooms on January 22!
