ED638 Syllabus

ED638 Calendar of Events

ED638 Blog Instructions


NOTE: Post your overall (holistic) reflection of the ED638 activities you've engaged in. Remember, this reflection goes beyond the specified activities in Moodle. View the links above to get an idea of the holistic reflections (Re: A Glimpse of ED638 - Fall I, II).


In order to post your entries for previous dates/postings not listed on the current web page, scroll to the bottom of the page until you see the wording Older Posts, and click on that link. You may also visit the ED638 Archive located on the right hand side of our homepage to access previous posts. Good luck, and we look forward to reading your entries! :)

Thursday, January 16, 2014

IRA Literacy Website #7

Website:  TeacherVision
      URL:  https://www.teachervision.com/

TeacherVision is a website for teachers that features tools and resources that help teachers save time and make learning fun for grades K-12.  Content is divided into each subject area, grade, and theme.  Resources include lesson plans, graphic organizers, printable, newsletters, quizzes, and printable books to help enhance student learning, meet educational objectives, and manage the classroom.  TeacherVision is part of the Family Education Network.  TeacherVision is not free.  You must be a member to access the resources.  However, there is an offer for a free trial membership.  You get seven days of free access to all the materials on the site and if you cancel before the time is up, you will not be charged.  The full membership price is $39.95 a year or about $3.30 a month.  I think that this is worth the price because there is so much available to subscribers.
        Teacher Vision has three newsletters you can subscribe to that is absolutely free that is emailed to you.  Great Stuff for Teachers features lessons, printables, tips, and activities for grades K-12.  Special Offers for Teachers features free content for the classroom and exclusive educational deals.  And DK Daily Teach connects historical and current events to the curriculum and the classroom.  Another way to get free material is to follow TeacherVision on Twitter, “like” on Facebook, or add them on Google+.  TeacherVision will give a free lesson, worksheet, or activity on these sites.
 Information & Image Source:  https://www.teachervision.com/

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