I am currently working on my Geo-Narrative assignment, but am thinking I should complete my final reflection and 7th literacy website first since the Geo-Narrative is much more time-consuming. That way I can focus what's left of my time solely on that project.
I know that the fault is no one's but my own because I have been neglecting my obligations as a student to spend time with my boyfriend who will be leaving in a few days for basic training and will not be back until July. I guess it is all just bad timing. Better get back to work!
Rachel, I like your honesty. We all have those types of choices to make. When I choose to put homework or schoolwork on hold to spend time with my family or just give myself a break, I also have to continually tell myself not to stress over it. We have all experienced this dilema of time management. I am thankful for the support and motivation we have been getting from all our classmates.