ED638 Syllabus

ED638 Calendar of Events

ED638 Blog Instructions


NOTE: Post your overall (holistic) reflection of the ED638 activities you've engaged in. Remember, this reflection goes beyond the specified activities in Moodle. View the links above to get an idea of the holistic reflections (Re: A Glimpse of ED638 - Fall I, II).


In order to post your entries for previous dates/postings not listed on the current web page, scroll to the bottom of the page until you see the wording Older Posts, and click on that link. You may also visit the ED638 Archive located on the right hand side of our homepage to access previous posts. Good luck, and we look forward to reading your entries! :)

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Labrador Reflection 10

     I am counting the number of blogs required for the course and discovered there are eleven (11) reflections as January 16. I am one blog behind so I will have to do that tomorrow. These last couple of days I have also been scrutinizing all blogs in "Moodle" and assignments listed each day. Falling behind is not my typical behavior as I tend to be very thorough and complete in doing most of my work.  I am slowly adjusting to situation, both professional and personal.  The course is merely a test to see whether or not I am worthy and ready to face a series of obstacles heading my way through my masters program.  
   I can sense the level of stress I am about to face nearing the day of my "Live Text" presentation, which I still have to work on.  I will do my very best to complete all task expected of me in this course. See you all at the finish line!

1 comment:

  1. I am so looking forward to Saturday because I know everything will be done and submitted by then. It will be a relief and at least there will be a couple of days to unwind before Spring Semester starts.
