ABCya is the sixth IRA literacy website I
wanted to explore. is the leader in free educational computer games
and activities for elementary students to learn on the web. All the computer
games and activities on the website were created or approved by certified school
teachers. All the games are free and are more appropriate for primary grade
levels to provide an interactive way for children to learn. Grade level lessons
incorporate content areas such as Math and Language Arts while introducing
basic computer skills. Many of the Kindergarten and first grade activities are
equipped with sound to enhance learning.
The author of the website explains
how the idea of the website began. The author explains how their first teaching
assignment was in a public elementary school in New Jersey. The anticipation
and nervousness of the start of the new school year was growing. They explain
how they spent the first couple working days in isolation developing media for
print and the web, then realized that in two days they were going to have a lab
full of five year olds sitting at computers. The author further explains their
efforts to turn on the computers to see what software programs were available-
only two programs were available, Microsoft Office Suite and Type Out Loud. The
author explains how they approached the principal of the public school and
asked for money to purchase software for the computer. The principal explained
that there was no money to purchase software. The author explained that they
weren’t discouraged. They thought of other ways to create ways for students to
complete activities online that were free and engaging. The author went around
and gathered lesson plans from teachers all over and created activities using
the internet to teach content. The author made observations of the students’
abilities and made changes to fit their needs and abilities. The author made
the activities understandable and grade level appropriate for students to
complete the activities independently. The activities on the website are fun,
engaging, and promote literacy. The games and activities consist of alphabet
puzzles, alphabet match, alphabet bingo, uppercase and lowercase matching,
sight word bingo, grade level books, and so much more. The website also offers
many 1st grade content material for teachers and parents.
After finding this website and
exploring it more, I look forward to using this website to teach letters and
literacy with my students. I am constantly on the lookout for activities and
lessons that will teach content in a fun and engaging way- this website will
help me do that. As a Kindergarten teacher, I am responsible for teacher letter
recognition, letter sounds, uppercase and lowercase letters, as well as reading
simple sight words and blending sounds. My goal at the end of every year is to
have my students be able to blend sounds and read simple words and sentences.
This is my second year in Kindergarten and so far my students are meeting those
standards. It makes me so proud to be able to set high standards for my
students and knowing that they are able to reach the goal I set for them. I
believe all students have the ability to learn and comprehend anything you
teach them, teachers just need to believe that they can learn and set goals for
their students. I am excited that my students have begun reading and look
forward to them reading storybooks before the end of the year. I’m so happy
that they’ll be prepared for first grade.
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I did this website too! loved it! I'm glad to see that you enjoyed it as well!