ED638 Syllabus

ED638 Calendar of Events

ED638 Blog Instructions


NOTE: Post your overall (holistic) reflection of the ED638 activities you've engaged in. Remember, this reflection goes beyond the specified activities in Moodle. View the links above to get an idea of the holistic reflections (Re: A Glimpse of ED638 - Fall I, II).


In order to post your entries for previous dates/postings not listed on the current web page, scroll to the bottom of the page until you see the wording Older Posts, and click on that link. You may also visit the ED638 Archive located on the right hand side of our homepage to access previous posts. Good luck, and we look forward to reading your entries! :)

Monday, December 30, 2013

Ryann's Reflection

It has been an intense week! I gained so many skills for teaching with the internet.  I never realized the amount of work that could be done using online resources until now.  I examined and wrote reviews for literacy websites and internet tools such as RCampus and Wix. Most importantly, I am officially a blogger.

Writing personal blogs is a little different from blogging on Moodle.  When I've blogged on Moodle, a topic was always given, and students are expected to respond.  With a personal blog, I create my own topic of discussion.  I have a blogging feature in my class website that I have used before, but I never enforced it. Therefore, the students would rarely blog.  I think about using blogs with my eighth graders to enhance their language, writing, and critical thinking.  I'm pretty sure they are  familiar with blogging technology, but now they can use it for educational purposes.

I am thankful that I am taking this course because it has humbled me.  I always thought that I was pretty tech savy because I was born into the computer age.  Technology has also been a big discussion topic between my husband, who is a computer programmer, and I. However, just being a week into the course, I realized how many skills I lack. I thought to myself, "Okay, I know how to use a computer, but do I really utilize the resources the world-wide-web has to offer?"  Now, I want to stray away from my comfort zone, or programs I am familiar with. I look forward to venturing into new internet tools that enhance teaching and learning.


  1. Ryann, I totally agree with your statement about having your students participate in blogs. A blog is so different from texting and messaging, in that it's important to be grammatically correct. The more I participate and post to this class blog, the more comfortable I become with the process. It's also a good way to get people to communicate and possibly get over any discomfort from public speaking.

    I, too, consider myself quite proficient at using technology. However, I realize that I have a lot to learn about what is out there in the world-wide-web. I think it's great that you are willing to venture away from your comfort zone and try new things. I would like to do the same.

  2. I agree, I so glad I'm taking this class. I knew I did not utilize the resources on the web very well. I know there is a lot out there that I can use, I just have to take the time to find it and this class is helping me do it.

  3. Definitely agree with you, Ryann!! We have a commonality! In my previous reflection, I too also mentioned how this course humbled me, considering I'm a graphic artist. I didn't realize the many teaching tools out there in the internet. I guess I was just too old school in teaching. The CMS project motivated me to search for other resources and explore every aspect of it.
