by Janel M. Borja
I chose to put this photo in my reflection because this is basically what's going to happen now that we have all the students of ED638. I think it is safe to say after reading all of your reflections that we all thought we knew something about being a tech-savy teacher. I have to say that at one point when I was going to school for my undergraduate degree, I did know a thing or two.
After settling into my teaching, especially Direct Instruction(DI) I wasn't as interested in exploring new learning options for my class. I am very pleased to say that after many hours spent here my computer just trying to take a class- I honestly thought would be a breeze, I am so thankful that we didn't just learn how to use PowerPoint and Weebly.
Lastly, I noticed the information gathered for each assignment showed me that I am a very visually inclined individual. If the website didn't look interesting, then I wasn't going to bother with it. I know that's not a very great thing to say, however, this should give us all a slight insight to how our students view learning to assignments.
The take away is, in order to grasp their attention and hold it long enough for them to learn, is to find any tools or resources that we can to keep their interests. Thank you again Dr. Rivera for providing us a class that doesn't just cover the bare basics of the internet and PowerPoint. This class gave me the following that I can use.
Student User Name : johndoe 257
Password: Reading16
I though Engrade was a nice website that provides all the assignments and has countless awesome features that allow you the flexibility to add videos, images, slide shows, games, flash cards and quizzes. Not to mention you can message all your students. It may be a challenge to get second graders proficient on this but when they are able to, just think of all the progress and even advantage they'll have over their peers as they continue their education.
Please visit my blog at this link >>>
I truly enjoy the use of the blogger. It's an educational take on Facebook. I'm found it quite confusing at first that I needed two for this class. But after awhile, and after looking at other Blogs. I also enjoyed the chance to "play" with each website. It was also nice to make a site for all of my knowledge to be neatly placed.
Images taken from:
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