ED638 Syllabus

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ED638 Blog Instructions


NOTE: Post your overall (holistic) reflection of the ED638 activities you've engaged in. Remember, this reflection goes beyond the specified activities in Moodle. View the links above to get an idea of the holistic reflections (Re: A Glimpse of ED638 - Fall I, II).


In order to post your entries for previous dates/postings not listed on the current web page, scroll to the bottom of the page until you see the wording Older Posts, and click on that link. You may also visit the ED638 Archive located on the right hand side of our homepage to access previous posts. Good luck, and we look forward to reading your entries! :)

Friday, December 27, 2013

Effective Literacy Website #1: K12Reader

IRA Newsletter Project: Effective Literacy Website #1

            K12Reader is a literacy instruction resource center for teachers and parents of school-aged students. This website is presented in a way that is organized, appealing to consumers, and easy to navigate through. This website positively promotes literacy by providing its users with an abundance of worksheets, informative reading instruction-related articles, and ideas for fun educational games and activities that aid in literacy learning – all at no cost.
            The website is a great resource for free reading and language arts worksheets. Worksheets are provided and organized by grade level. Spelling, grammar, phonics, writing, and reading comprehension are just some of the focused areas. All worksheets are printable or can be easily downloaded. Additionally, there are printable sight word lists for the younger grade levels, including the Dolch and Fry words.
            A great component to the K12Reader website is that it offers articles about many literary topics. The articles are highly informative for both parents and teachers. Subjects include, but are not limited to, struggling readers, balanced literacy, parent tips, dyslexia, phonemic awareness, and tutoring. Many of the articles are written by experienced teachers.  With just the click of the title, users can access each article and read them online.
            K12Reader also shares ideas for games and activities that add fun to a lesson. The interaction could help students to better understand and remember what is being learned. Each activity is sensibly clarified and requires a minimal amount of materials. It is neatly laid out in a way that is categorized and easy to understand. There are sections within the activities that may explain different procedures, what parents can do, as well as strategies for teachers.
            K12Reader is an effective literacy website for many other reasons as well. Teachers and parents alike can have access to these great resources from any device with an internet connection and all at no cost to the user. It is well-designed, easy to navigate, and user-friendly. The website promotes awareness of reading education and the ideas and worksheets to carry them out. It is very beneficial to students as it provides resources and ideas to assist educators with the difficulties of literacy instruction. 


  1. This is an awesome website! There are so many resources for all grade levels on this site. I have downloaded the free printables on making inferences, drawing conclusions, etc. These are skills that my high schools students struggle with so I'm glad I was able to find these resources to use with them. I also enjoyed the "Parent Tips" corner. Great articles on not just students who struggle with reading but those that are gifted as well. Thanks for sharing.

  2. I am thankful that people have created websites such as this one to share information with teachers and parents. This is a valuable site with relevant and useful information. Thank you for sharing your summary/review of this site!

  3. I, like Judi, am also thankful for your share of this website. I am always a subscriber of any website that offers free worksheets and games. These are the types of websites that hook my very high reading group and even my students who are struggling.
